Requirements & Downloads

In order to work with CM Live Deal Customer Android application and make it connect to your Joomla! website, you need Android Stuido IDE and CM Mobile Joomla! component.

You can use any version of Android Studio, but it is recommended to use the latest verion.

Please refer to the below table for compatible versions of CM Live Deal and CM Mobile.

Customer Android app CM Live Deal CM Mobile
0.0.1 1.2.1 0.0.4

For example, if you use Customer Android application version 0.0.1, you will need to use it together with CM Live Deal 1.2.1 and CM Mobile 0.0.4.

Android Studio

Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android from the Android team. It is built on the popular IntelliJ IDEA (Community Edition) Java IDE.

CM Live Deal Customer application is built as an Android Studio project so you need Android Studio work with the application. Eclipse IDE is not supported.

To download Android Studio or find out more info, please visit Android Developers website.

Please note that this documentation doesn’t cover how to use Android Studio or how to program in Java programming language.

CM Mobile

CM Live Deal doesn’t have any function to communicate with external applications like mobile applications, CM Mobile is developed to not only help CM Live Deal on this but also give other Joomla! components the same ability.

You can find CM Mobile’s documentation at Read The Docs, and download its Joomla! package as well as its source code at Github. You should download and use the latest version of CM Mobile.

CM Live Deal Customer Android application

If you have an active subscription for CM Live Deal at CMExtension’s wesite, you can download the Android Studio project of CM Live Deal Customer application in CM Live Deal’s download area.